Peace of Mind Home Paternity DNA Test


The Peace of Mind Home DNA Paternity Test from Ormond Quay Paternity Services will resolve any worries or concerns you may have over the paternity of your child. The test is very easy to conduct and can be performed in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Once we have received your DNA Samples we will analyse them for 4 working days where upon the test results are sent to you.


Are you unsure of the Paternity of your Child?

Paternity testing works by comparing the DNA of a child with that of the alleged father and the mother. A child inherits 50%f of their DNA from their mother and 50% from their father. A Paternity test determines whether or not a child is biologically related to the alleged father. The accuracy level of this test is far in excess of 99.999% so you can rest assured the results we produce are accurate.

If you have question about DNA testing or wish to purchase a Peace of Mind Home DNA Paternity Test Kit feel free to contact our office on 01 487 77 94 or purchase online. Once payment has been received your Peace of Mind Home DNA Paternity Test Kit will be sent to you immediately. Orders placed outside business hours will be sent the next working day.

Peace of Mind DNA Test Consents and Requirements:

  • Sample Statement and Consent Form: Name, address, phone number of Alleged Father, Mother and Child must be written on to the sampler statement form.
  • All parties undertaking the test must sign and consent for their DNA to be taken and analysed.
  • Your signature on the consent form must mach the signature on the identification that you are submitting
    •  Valid Photographic Identification – Adult – Passport, Driving Licence or Public Services Card
    • Valid Identification – Child – Passport or Birth Certificate
  • Please note that Mother’s Consent will be required for all children under the age of 16.
  • We are only able to test a child with no consent from the mother if that child is over the age of 16, the mother is deceased, or is being exclusively cared for by the alleged father or social services. In all of these instances we require documentation proving same.
  • Buccal swabs: These swabs are placed in the mouth and collect Cheek Cell DNA and are placed in colour coded DNA Sample envelopes.
  • Instructions: Step by step instructions on how to perform your Test.
  • Pre-Addressed Envelope: We provide a pre-addressed padded envelope to post your samples back to OQPS. Please note you are required to pay postage and we strongly recommend you send the samples by registered post or recorded delivery.
  • Identification: It is required that all parties undertaking A DNA test send back with their samples a copy of their valid passport, driving licence or public services card. If the child does not have a passport a copy of their Birth Certificate will suffice. Please contact us if the child does not have a birth certificate.
  • Once you have completed the test. Place everything in the addressed envelope, and post back to OQPS by Registered Post and we will forward on to the laboratory by DHL.
  • Once all samples have been received in the laboratory, the analysis takes 4 working days and then the DNA test results report is issued. Please note that this is subject to all paperwork and identification being in order. If all paperwork is not in order or there is an issue with the identification this can delay the issuing of the DNA test results report.
  • Please note that this test is for peace of mind purposes only and cannot be used for any legal purpose. If there is a chance that the test result will be required for official or legal purposes please contact us to discuss your options.


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